Gollum: Ticket prices was 10 bucks my Preciousss... Thieves. Filttthy little thieves! We hates them. And the line was loooong... And when we go in, there's no coming out. The movie Sméagol hates, nasty hobbitses! Sméagol wants to see them... dead!
Gollum, looks like you have met Mr. Egg at the theatre?
Gollum: He was an egg-case, Preciousss. A complete goose egg! Selling tickets! But, he swears to serve the Master of the Precious. He ssswears!
Celebrity sighting at the usually dreary mall! ...whoohoo!Unfortunately, Gollum finished all the samosas, so there were none left for the rest of us. Probably the price to see Gollum, I guess.
Gollum! Gollum! You greedy pig!
Who is this Mr.Egg (Humpty Dumpty)?
Mr. Egg is whatever one wants him to be...scrambled, jumbled, sunny-side, fried, hard-boiled, half-boiled...lol!!!
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