so says Laloo Prasad Yadav, India's Minister for Railways. His credentials are:
1. Installed and run a kitchen cabinet in his home state of Bihar for a rather long time. His wife cooks for him, and runs the state government for him while Laloo relaxes on a swing.
2. A seeming lover of home cooked food, his wife and children are more often than not named after yummy Indian sweets: Rabdi, Jalebi, Ladoo, Firni etc etc. I also think he does things by the dozen. Interestingly, they are all milk based sweets.
3. Inexplicably makes the forever loss making Indian Railways a cash cow.
4. Will begin to deliver bull-ish lectures at eager and trend-conscious management schools - you know IIM-A, Harvard and their like....
5. Butters no one, creams them instead. However, never one to pay heed to expiration dates, ultimately leaves a sour taste in the mouth.
Move over Bill Gates, 'The Donald' and the likes, "Even premier international business schools like Harvard and HEC Management School, France..." want Laloo.
By the way, wasn't this guy like an elementary school drop-out or something? Milking opportunities go a long way...
LOL..."organic intellectual" redefined!
Laloo is in fact a MA in Political Science from Patna University. I am told his rhetoric and form was very different when in college, and in all likelyhood is the village-fool by choice.
Maybe Ford and GM should be considering Lal-oo to get them out of the red.
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