Return Flight sep 07
k&-'mit-m&nt sep 06
"How was your flight?" sep 03
bla sequence launched aug 30
pointlessly poignant aug 19
more chu-ha stories aug 12
oh those firemen... aug 12
buying culture by the yard-2 aug 11
one of those days... no point to make aug 09
still a slow news day... aug 08
by the way... aug 08
Me-times and Me-spaces aug 06
So, do you want some coffee? aug 04
heat, sweat and sea breeze aug 03
Traces of subtlety? aug 02

Impaired Vision jul 30
When the inexhaustible got exhausted jul 28
An_other coffee place jul 27
s[L]ight seeing jul 26
Time Off jul 25
my whacky God, where are you? jul 25
Won't you miss me/won't you miss me at all... jul 21
umm... jul 20
noooo.... jul 15
Allez! Allez!...crap, slow news day jul 14
buying culture by the yard jul 07
slow news day jul 04
another one for my pandora's box jul 04
SEW: Protest Donkey jul 02
Strange Encounters on the Web (SEW) jun 30
borrowed from a stranger jun 16
"trust in me... just in me..." jun 05
...but the biscuit is a legend. jun 03
A new form of desperation jun 02
gael garcia bernal is swiss may 31